For the past, oh, 6 months I have been getting a lot of flack for my hair style. I recall coming home one day and my mother-in-law was at my house. I told her, "Audrey, I got a hair cut today". She just said, "no you didn't". I said "yes". She just made some type of noise and continued with whatever she was doing. My new Senior pastor and I were having a conversation about our congregation. He suddenly turned to me and said "It's kind of like your hair. 1/3 hate it, 1/3 like it, and 1/3 don't care."
This past weekend a couple of mom's from my church asked if I wanted to wear a pretty. I found out this is a barrett. In fact, last night after Ash Wed. I received a text asking me if the pastor had to put a pretty in my hair prior to putting the ashes on my forehead.
Last summer I even purchased a pair of chuck taylors to wear. Why? I didn't really plan on buying any. I hadn't owened a pair since high school. I just happened to walk into a shoe store, found a pair and bought them. In addition to being mad fun of as these have now become my church shoes, the young lady who sold me the shoes also explained that I needed to wear socks that you couldn't really see. She had a tattoo and several piercings, so I wasn't going to disagree as she obviously was much cooler than I. Of course, when I asked her if they would look ok on me, she said "my mom has a pair, so you'll be just fine."
My new "look" didn't happen because of some great scheme, instead it's been a process over the past year. Last week, my wife turned to me and asked what I had going on. It was a Monday and I was wearing a pair of Khakis. Honestly? The previous Friday I didn't have any longs sleve t-shrits clean, so I went and ironed a few shirts. So, when I got up Monday, I had a couple of shirts ironed, so i put one on.
In Bible study this morning, we talked about peer preasure. We discussed wearing or doing things just to please other people or to fit in. I can't really say I have ever really "fit in". Whether it be at camp wearing my awesome and comfortable (but highly in-approrpiate) shorts, not dressing up at church, or even refusing to cut my hair.
In less than an hour, I will be getting my hair cut. The main reason? I am having trouble seeing out of my right eye as the hair is too long and I refuse to wear a pretty in public. I want it made clear right now, that it is in no way getting cut because of pressure to do so. Of course....if the question were asked whether I was refusing to cut it b/c people thought I should? Well...
A few quick notes
- I am giving up soda (not pop) for lent
- I am proud of Luke. He went through his lunch schedule for lent and is eating peanut butter once each week instead of his favorite meal at school
- Pitchers and Catchers have reported. Twins have a legit shot at winning a very week Central division
- The David Crowder Band is no longer together. They are by far my favorite Christian group and I am going to miss them making new music.