Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Opportunity or Despair?

Video is Brook Fraser...I'm a fan...enjoy it!

For Christmas, my brother got me a red Star Trek shirt.  Until a little bit ago, I thought this was a great gift.  A little bit ago, my pastor came up to me and sad "You know the person in the red shirt always dies".  That hurts.  It hurst a lot...

On a positive, I am excited about doing a presentation a week from Saturday in Waverly about the current landscape of youth ministry and what we can do to help kids in their faith.  If you are able, come down.  If nothing else, come for the free lunch!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Fraser, Worship and Soup

So, I was listening to Pandroa (love it!) and a song came on from an artist I had never heard of and I found myself in love with it. Loved the lyrics and the sound. The song was C.S.Lewis by Brook Fraser.  Anyway, I have now officially "liked" her on facebook. If you like good music, I would recommend checking her out.

This last Sunday at church, we continued our journey into the "contemporary worship" world. Why? We, like many other congregations are trying to figure out ways to reach people who are un-churched or are members, but don't really come to church on a regular basis. Me?  I like it.  I enjoy playing the music. I enjoy singing it. I enjoy listening to it. The question is, what makes this worship "contemporary". (FYI - I am using the term "contemporary" b/c most people understand what we are talking about)  Anyway, what makes this style contemporary?  Is it the music? The format? Language used?  Space it is in? The other question is what are "sacred cows" at our worship? What are things that can't be touched or changed? I wish there were some easy answers, but there aren't. The fact that we are at least trying is a big step. We as a church need to figure out how to change "for the sake of the Gospel". We need to navigate how to change without changing our core values.  Anyway, good times...

Finally, Soup season is officially upon us.  I'm not sure how, but 6 years ago I got suckered into planning and organizing all of the suppers during Lent.  Honestly, I do enjoy them.  Ok - I don't like the planning part of it, but I really do enjoy working w/ families during the meal and giving people the opportunity to come together before worship to share a meal. If you are around, stop by between 5pm and 6pm for great soup and stay for Holden Evening Prayer after!

Friday, March 4, 2011

ELCA Youth Gathering

I'm currently at an event for the 2012 Youth Gathering in New Orleans.  Ok - so, they are currently playing Human Bingo (hence the reason I am blogging), but I have to say I am really excited about the work that is being done.  I am most impressed with the emphasis on training adults, not just for this event but for adults who work w/ youth is really great.

Oh, they are going to talk about budgeting now..need to go, will say more later :)